The Rise and Maturation of the Platform Economy
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The Rise of the Platform Economy,
with Martin Kenney Issues in Science and Technology 32 (3): 61-69, 2016
The Platform Economy Matures: Maturation and Pervasive Power of Platforms,
with Martin Kenney, and Dafna Bearson; submitted to Socio-Economic Review First round Revise and resubmit.
with Martin Kenney, and Dafna Bearson; Industrial and Corporate Change 2nd Revision and Resubmission.
The Platform Economy: Restructuring the space of capitalist accumulation,
with Martin Kenney; Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Space 13(1): 55-76.
Work in an Era of Intelligent Tools and Systems
Work in an Era of Intelligent Tools and Systems: Finding the Path to an Equitable Economy,
Martin Kenney, John Zysman, Dafna Bearson, & Christopher Eldred In Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, July-December 2020.Beyond Hype and Despair: Developing Healthy Communities in the Era of Intelligent Tools,
with Martin Kenney and Laura Tyson; Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Innovation Policy White Paper Series, January 2019
The Services Dilemma: Productivity Sinkhole or Commoditization,
with Niels Christian Nielsen and Jonathan Murray, Sats: Rosendahls – Book Partner Media; Tryk: Scandinavian Book; Produktion: Verve Books, 2013
The Global Political Economy
From Great Power Politics to a Strategic Vacuum: Origins and Consequences of the TPP and TTIP,
Melissa K. Griffith, Richard Steinberg, and John Zysman, Business and Politics, December 2017
John Zysman and Mark Nitzberg, August 2020.
Climate and a Green Economy
Can Green Sustain Growth: Moving Sustainable Prosperity from Religion to Reality,
Stanford University Press, 2013, Ed. with Mark Huberty
Winning Coalitions for Climate Policy: How Industrial Policy Builds Support for Carbon Regulation,
Jonas Meckling, Nina Kelsey, Eric Biber, and John Zysman, Science, September 2015
Selected Books
The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century?
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, Ed. with Dan Breznitz.
Can Green Sustain Growth: Moving Sustainable Prosperity from Religion to Reality,
Stanford University Press, 2013, Ed. with Mark Huberty
Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy,
Basic Books, 1987, with Stephen Cohen
American Industry in International Competition,
Cornell University Press, 1984, Ed. with Laura Tyson
Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change, Cornell University Press, 1984
UNIDO, 2013 with Martin Kenney, Dan Breznitz, and Paul Wright